clever devices for connected living

Driven to make a difference, our vision is to bring the reality of connected, intelligent, responsive homes and buildings to life and provide the tools and technology to enable change on a global scale.

it's about the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things is set for massive growth – in fact, it is estimated that there will be more than 25 Billion devices connected by 2020. Quantify Technology is poised to be a significant force in the Internet of Things market with our clever connected devices…


what are we doing?

Quantify’s innovative, ground breaking technology can bring the Internet of Things to every room in every home, every office in every building, every room in every hospital and hotel…


who are we?

We’re people who are passionate about what we believe in, and that belief is that we can effect change on a global scale. With backgrounds ranging from network engineering to electronics engineering to building global businesses, we have the skills to meet the challenges we face.