IoT | Truly Intelligent Buildings | Intelligent Buildings | Quantify Technology

To implement IoT successfully, avoid these 6 mistakes. (Don't start before you've done No.1)


Thousands of companies are rushing to market with millions of IoT devices and solutions. There are many pitfalls that lie in the way however, to trip up the unprepared and prevent...

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IoT | Buildings IoT | ASX | Cisco Systems | Intelligent Buildings | Mark Lapins

Mark Lapins Presents at CiscoLive!

Managing Director, Mark Lapins invited to speak at Ciscolive! 

Cisco Live is Cisco's premier education and training destination for IT professionals worldwide. As an experienced and...

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IoT | Buildings IoT | Truly Intelligent Buildings | Intelligent Buildings | Smart Buildings

A Platform For Life

Take a look at how Quantify Technology's revolutionary Internet of Things technology platform will impact all of our lives - whether at home or in the workplace. This is the latest release from...

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IoT | Buildings IoT | Intelligent Buildings | Smart Buildings

Q Device Now Tested On 110 Volts & 240 Volts

Rapid development of the Quantify Technology hardware suite continues apace as our ASX listing and market launch of our products approaches. In the last week, our development team has successfully...

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IoT | Truly Intelligent Buildings | Intelligent Buildings | Smart Buildings | Buildings IoT | Building Automation

Commercial & Home Q Device Installation

We are excited to share a couple of short videos showing the ease of installation of a Q Device in a commercial building or in the home. Not only will the Q Device save on power, but can...

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IoT | BIoT | Buildings IoT | Intelligent Buildings | Smart Buildings

Our Merry Quantify Christmas Gift to You

Our Christmas video to you, celebrating our progress this year and springboarding us into the year ahead.

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